
The Framework Law for Protected Areas 394/91, subsequently amended with the 426/98, places the promotion of scientific research among the institutional aims of Park Authorities, to be understood as an instrument of knowledge at the service of conservation. In this way, the knowledge of naturalistic, historical-testimonial and socio-cultural values becomes the basis for the elaboration and preparation of effective territorial governance tools and policies, which allow the achievement of pre-established conservation objectives and institutional aims of the protected area. 

How to propose a research in the protected area?

The Park, following an annual work plan, plans well in advance which researches to implement directly with its own funds. However, a National Park is also a laboratory and an opportunity for all researchers interested in expanding their own issues on the territory of a protected area. These spontaneous activities must however be authorized by the Park Authority as well as, in case of research interests within the territory of the Casentino Biogenetic Reserves, by the Territorial Office for Biodiversity of Pratovecchio. The request is therefore to be completed and sent to:

Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi

Servizio Promozione, Conservazione, Ricerca e Divulgazione della Natura

Fax: 0543.973034 


In case it concerns the territory included in the Casentinesi  Biogenetic Reserves:

Carabinieri Biodiversity Department of Pratovecchio

Fax: 0575.504085