
The bellow census, carried out at night even in the most remote and wild corners of the protected area, is open to enthusiasts from all over Italy, willing to make their contribution through one of the most fascinating experiences that a park can offer. Volunteers will join experts in deer male census operations for three nights. Among the about 2000 deers present in the National Park, little less than 400 are in reproductive age, getting involved in an ancient ritual of struggle and courtship: the bellow census is a suggestive experience for all who wish to live an emotion of direct contact with one of the most surprising events of nature, in addition to the awareness of contributing with a little great help to the protection of this awesome animal.
During the bellow census nights, wolf monitoring will also be carried out through the wolf-howling technique, using the wide acoustic coverage of the territory, guaranteed by the the operators.
The occasion will be enriched by insights with experts on the management of deer, wolf and wildlife in general. Moreover, there will be convivial moments, which will allow an exchange of experiences with people sharing the same passion.
The event, organized in collaboration with ISPRA, the Carabinieri Department of the Casentino Forest National Park, the Carabinieri Department of Biodiversity of Pratovecchio, the Tuscany Region, the Emilia Romagna Region, the Union of Mountain Municipalities of Casentino, the Union of Municipalities Valdarno and Valdisieve, the ATCs of Arezzo and Forlì-Cesena, and organized by DREAm Italia Soc. Coop., falls within the context of population management policies provided by territoral and research bodies gathered in the eastern ACATER.
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