The e-bike, pedal assisted bicycle, is a new and fun way to move in the territory of the National Park and allows a wider audience to enjoy beautiful excursions by bike.
Where to rent an e-bike and find a guide
Idro Ecomuseo delle Acque di Ridracoli – Bagno di Romagna (FC)
n° of e-bikes: 6 for hire with the possibility of transport across the lake of Ridracoli
Tel. 0543 917912
mail: ladigadiridracoli@atlantide.net
Website: www.atlantide.net/idro
Esploramontagne – Bagno di Romagna (FC)
n° of e-bikes: 3 for hire with the possibility of personalised tours, with MTB guides
Tel: 335 6630487 - 3397794029
email: schiumassimo@alice.it - pietrapazza@ilgirovagotrek.it
Casentinoebike – Pratovecchio Stia (AR)
n° of e-bikes: 12. Bicycle recovery/assistance and transport service, guided and personalised tours
Tel. +39 339 6467966
email: info@casentinoebike.it
Website: www.casentinoebike.it
Cooperativa “Fare del Bene” – Santa Sofia (FC)
n° of e-bikes: 3 for rent
Tel. 0543 971302