As is well known, the regulation for the collection of mushrooms adopted by the Park Authority since the year 2000 tends to allow the collection in a manner compatible with the conservation of the environment, through some simple rules, overcoming the general prohibition of the collection of mushrooms within National Parks provided, as a rule, by the relevant national law.
The authorization for the collection of mushrooms in the territory of the Park is constituted by the receipt of postal payment made on the postal account no. 11718525, registered to the National Park of the Casentino Forests - Via Brocchi, 7 Pratovecchio.
The annual authorization typologies have been maintained, defined according to the residence of the collectors, which are reported below:
Type | Cost | Motive of Postal Payment |
Annual authorization for residents in the Municipalities of the Park |
€15,00 | Annual authorization for mushroom collection in National Park – residents within Park Municipalities |
Annual authorization for residents in the municipalities of the former Mountain Communities with part of the territory falling within the National Park |
€25,00 | Annual authorization for mushroom collection in National Park - Park Mountain community residents |
Annual authorization for non-residents | €65.00 | Annual authorization for mushroom collection in National Park - non-residents |
The holders of authorizations valid for the territories outside the National Park are entitled to collection within the protected area with the following authorizations/integrations, again issued by postal payment:
Annual authorization for residents in the municipalities of the Park if accompanied by authorization valid outside the Park |
€9,00 | Annual integration for mushroom collection in National Park for Park Municipality residents |
Annual authorization for residents in the municipalities of the former Mountain Communities with part of the territory falling within the National Park if accompanied by valid authorization outside the Park |
€16,00 | Annual integration for mushroom collection in National Park for mountain community residents |
Annual authorization for non-residents if accompanied by valid authorization outside the Park |
€60.00 | Annual integration for mushroom collection in National Park for non-residents |
Please note some of the main provisions of the Regulation approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors no. 12 of 22/04/2010, recently modified with Resolution of the Board of Directors n. 28 of 4/10/2016:
* Mushroom picking is therefore allowed only on the following days:
- Residents within the perimeter of the Park and equivalents: every day of the week.
- Residents in the Municipalities of the Park: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
- All others: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (New!)
*The collection of Calocybe gambosa (St. George’s Mushroom or Prugnolo), for reasons of preservation of the species, is allowed only starting from April 15th of each year.
*For the purposes of the protection of wildlife and also to make the ban on fungi harvesting more effective at night, the following provisions are adopted: without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6 of the NTA of the Park Plan and art. 2 of this discipline, at night (from one hour after sunset, until dawn) it is prohibited to:
a) travel through areas B and C of the Park (as identified in the Park Plan);
b) use lighting tools of any nature within areas B and C.
The following areas are exempted from these prohibitions:
• road system for public use (state, regional, provincial and municipal roads);
• the forest service road network, even when forbidden to the traffic of vehicles due to the presence of bars;
• hiking trails. The latter includes only and exclusively the natural road system (paths, and trails of logging) or artificial roads (disused neighbourhood roads, mule tracks and cart roads) that have the characteristics of visible paths, present permanently on the ground, walkable on foot, by bicycle, or on horseback. At the same time this traffic must be reported with the appropriate traits in the public cartography. (IGM cartography, cadastral maps, regional technical maps, official hiking maps adopted by local authorities, determinations and acts of the Park Authority). Throughout the remaining part of the paths included in areas B and C of the Park and defined as such according to the Highway Code or jurisprudence, it is not allowed to enter at night.
• areas of private property, by their owners or owners;
• areas of relevance to buildings;
• Finally, surveillance, rescue and civil protection activities for the territory coordinated by the Park Authority or in any case authorized by it are also exempted. (New!)
It should be noted that during the collection activity it is no longer necessary to carry a copy of the booklet containing the regulation, previously prepared by the Agency.
For further information on mushroom collection for educational purposes and by guests of accommodation facilities, professional collection, violations and penalties, etc., please refer to the full text of the Regulations, also available at the facilities of the National Park and of the and State Forestry Corps mentioned above.
For further information, contact the Park Offices by phone or send an email to info@parcoforestecasentinesi.it