The LIFE + program, established in 1992, is the financial instrument of the European Union, which co-finances projects for the environment in the Member States and in Third Countries. Life Natura, in particular, is the specific instrument for the protection and conservation of Sites of Community Interest (SIC) included in the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Special Protection Areas (ZPS) included in the Bird Directive (79/409/EEC), which contribute to the formation of the NATURA 2000 Network.
To date, within the National Park, the following Life Natura projects are active:

The LIFE14 NAT/IT/000759 WETFLYAMPHIBIA project, which sees the National Park as leader and partner of the State Forestry Corps, Union of Municipalities of the Casentino, Dream Italia, and the University of Pavia, over the next 6 years will take care of the conservation of amphibians (Apennine Uluru, Salamandrina di Savi, and Crested Newt), lepidoptera (Euplagia quadripunctaria and Eriogaster catax), and damp environments connected to them. Thanks to the site that has just been published and the Facebook page, it will be possible to stay updated on news and activities planned in the coming months.

The Life Eremita project sees the Emilia-Romagna Region as its leader, and the two national parks of the Casentino Forests and of the Tosco Emilian Apennines and four macro-areas as associated partners. The project will also deal with invertebrates related to dead wood, trying to make the most of the data collected by Life Mipp on Rosalia alpina and Osmoderma eremita, but also on two species related to still or flowing waters, the dragonfly Coenagrion mercuriale castellanii and the Graphoderus bilineatus aquatic beetle, with an expected close cooperation with LIFE Wetfly Amphibia.
The STREAMS Life Project
The Life Stream project count the Majella National Park in the role of Leading Body. The other partners are represented by the Regional Forestry Agency for the Development of the Territory and the Environment of Sardinia, the Regional Park of Montemarcello-Magra-Vara, the Foreste Casentinsei National Park, the Sibillini National Park and the Pollino National Park. The main objective of the project is the recovery and conservation of Mediterranean trout (Salmo cettii or Salmo macrostigma), a species included in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitat Directive), and endemic to the Mediterranean area. The project started in late 2019 and is therefore just beginning