The Forest
A starting point for getting to know the area, the central theme of the route of the Santa Sofia Visitor Centre is "The forest". The Centre is set up inside Palazzo Nefetti, home of the Park Community. In the Room of the Model the territory is displayed, in the Corridor of History some aspects of the peasant civilization that populated the Apennines before the abandonment of the mountains emerge, and in the Stanza delle Suggestioni one finds themselves immersed in a suggestive multiple vision. In the Learning Room one may learn by playing with the Wardrobe of Sounds and Signs. The upper floor, where the Model of Romagna is located, built by the great naturalist from Forlì Pietro Zangheri, is dedicated to the preparation of temporary exhibitions.
Da visitare:
Suggested visits:
A few kilometres from S. Sofia, starting precisely from the Ridracoli Dam and then up to Ca 'di Sopra, you can walk the Nature Trail, where you can find traces of the presence of mankind that has abandoned the mountains. Between Ridracoli and Corniolo: the village of S. Paolo in Alpe, a typical abandoned mountain settlement. The village of Pietrapazza in the municipality of Bagno di Romagna at a 613 m altitude in the Bidente valley. Also, on the banks of the Bidente di Pietrapazza, is the Mulino delle Cortine, a structure consisting of two water mills connected to each other and functionally separated. Along the SP4, which leads to the Calla Pass, you get to Corniolo, a small mountain village that preserves in the parish a large nineteenth-century altarpiece by Giovanni Della Robbia. About three kilometres from Corniolo is the Botanical Garden of Valbonella, where some 300 species of typical Park flora are conserved. Finally, the Campigna forest where one may find the Nature Trail dedicated to the fir woods, the “Path for all the senses”, and an educational path dedicated to the trees.
Services offered:
- bookshop;
- guided tours for schools and groups, to be integrated with excursions in the territory;
- tourist information office;
- library;
- Room for exhibitions and temporary video projections;
- Educational workshop
Users are informed that the Visitor Center is currently closed due to work. An information point is still open at the times indicated at the "Sandro Pertini" Cultural Center, 50 meters from the Visitor Center itself.