The Chianina cattle is certainly one of the most important and ancient races of Italy. The name derives from its area of origin, the Val di Chiana, a borderland between Tuscany and Umbria. The Romans and the Etruscans used large cattle with a white mantle for their triumphal procession or for their sacrifices to the gods. Sculptural reproductions of bulls dating back to those times have somatic characteristics very similar to those of this breed. The Chianina is linked to the great land reclamation works of the Valdichiana, which occurred in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A result of human selection, but also of the difficult natural selection caused by malaria, it has reached us with splendid specimens of enormous dimensions. Bred for work and meat, the Chianina suffered a strong decline in the '50s and' 60s, and then reaffirmed itself with great force by binding its name in an indissoluble way to the steak par excellence: "La Fiorentina".
Area of current production in the Park
Bibbiena, Chiusi della Verna, Poppi, Pratovecchio, San Godenzo, Stia.
The Chianina breed is characterized by its imposing size and its white porcelain coat with slight grey gradations in the front part of the body. The head is small with short, thin horns with an elliptical section, white or yellowish white in the basal part and black on the tip. The meat is tender and, juicy, with a high protein content and a low cholesterol content.
Seasonality of the product
All year long.