In particular areas of the Casentino (Vallesanta - Chiusi della Verna) and in remote areas of Romagna, the processing of pork has always led to the creation of a very unusual cured meat obtained from the pig's cheek: "la Gota". A "fat" meat, savoury and with excellent organoleptic characteristics, suitable for those who in the hard work of the woods and the fields needed a significant supply of calories at a low cost. The Gota is obtained after two weeks of salting and is stored hanging on the supporting "beam" of a dry room, where it remains to age for at least a month.
Area of current production in the Park
Bibbiena, Chiusi della Verna, Poppi, Pratovecchio, Santa Sofia, Stia.
Small in size, it has a triangular or trapezoidal shape with a thickness that never exceeds 10 cm. The meat is fat with thin infiltrations which are not continuous but well distributed, giving it a good consistency. This is an extremely tasty meat, excellent to taste with Tuscan bread or combined with other foods such as eggs and potatoes.
The seasonality of the product
Gota is excellent all year round, but it is advisable to enjoy it during the winter months.