The Apennine sheep has always been one of the most interesting characteristics of these lands. Milk, one of its main products, was and still is lovingly transformed into one of the oldest and most prestigious Tuscan cheeses, the "pecorino". Milk is clotted on the fire using the rennet of a freshly weaned lamb, flavoured with herbs present in the clearings of the surrounding mountains. Following a patient mixing, carried out with a special tool manufactured by local artisans in beech wood, the appropriate compactness of the paste is achieved; subsequently it is matured in the wooden "cacina" and then set to season on pear-shaped boards in a dry place. The Tuscan pecorino was usually produced in Spring and was consumed fresh, after only one month of rest, or well-seasoned at the end of October.
Area of current production in the Park
Bibbiena, Chiusi della Verna, Poppi, Pratovecchio, Stia.
Pecorino Toscano may have different sizes, but is always cylindrical in shape. This cheese has a strong flavour that can be fully appreciated when freshly sautéed in a pan, or seasoned, as a cold dish, or grated as seasoning to various dishes.
Seasonality of the product
All year long.