Man and the Forest
The culture of the inhabitants of Badia Prataglia, a town at the centre of the historic Casentino Forests, not far from Camaldoli, is still today imbued with the age-old relationship between spirituality and the forest, between the history of woodworking and the simple art of local craftsmen. It is therefore precisely this relationship that is offered as a central theme for the Visitor Centre of Badia Prataglia, the most important centre in the National Park. In the shop window of the wood works, objects made by old local artisans are exhibited. On the second floor is a large model displaying the territory of the Park and the room of Siemoni, responsible for much of the expansion and conservation of the forests and the reintroduction of certain species of wild animals.
Near the Visitor Centre you may visit the "Carlo Siemoni" Arboretum and Forestry Museum where, in addition to photos, there is a model of the geology of the territory and a xylotheque, the Church of SS. Assunta and S. Bartolomeo founded in the tenth century by Benedictine monks. A few kilometres from Badia Prataglia, in the direction of Bibbiena, visit the Serravalle Castle, founded in 1188, and the Sacred Hermitage of Camaldoli, one of the most famous and revered spiritual centres in Tuscany. is the Nature Trail between Badia Prataglia and the Hermitage of Camaldoli is also worth seeing, where the theme is the beech forest and some of its "inhabitants": beech, fir, maple, newts and salamanders are the protagonists. Since May 2006, “A path for Sonia” has been inaugurated, equipped on beaten track and with captions in braille, from the location of the Capanno going into the forest.
via Nazionale, 14/a
52010 - Badia Prataglia-Poppi (AR)
tel/fax 0575.559477
email: cv.badiaprataglia@parcoforestecasentinesi.it